Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 4

Wow i wish i didnt get up out of bed this morning. started out decent enough alex woke up at 3 but i was able to get him back to sleep in the living room. and got a litttle more sleep before it was time to get up at 5 had a nice breakfast with my loving wife.

1 slice of cinimmon raisin whole grain toast with tsp of natural peanut butter.

packed smart ones pasta for lunch along with an apple yougart nectarine v8 and water.

25 degrees and drizzle combined for a horrible day accidents all across the city and busy as heck missed snack till 1140 never could take time to make lunch ended up eating a couple of slices of little ceasers pizza that our boss got for us for lunch and by the end of the day i had my v8 apple and nectarine along with 3 bottles of water. not great but still better than my normal used to be. dont have any idea whats for dinner. i am thinking grilled chicken but it may be pretty late by the time i can slide my way home and i dont want the jenn and the kids to wait that long. stay tuned for updates


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